Secure Privacy

For Everyone



Protocol for secure privacy transactions

Make confidential transfers of funds between addresses and blockchains with integrated AML protection.


Who needs it?

General Users

Users concerned about the confidentiality of financial transactions and the de-anonymization of their addresses


Investors and traders, to protect investment and trading activities

Startups and Co.

Startups and companies that frequently conduct financial transactions, including payroll, payments, and customer transactions

What do we build?


User on blockchain

All transactions are visible

Possible to bind user wallets

Protocols to de-anonymize blockchain can identify the users and put them in their databse


User with Mooney

All transactions are hidden

User wallets bindings cannot be determined

Protocols to de-anonymize blockchain cannot identify the users

What makes us different?

We focus on privacy in an public blockchain, but not user anonymity for the platform

Protecting users who want privacy from potential criminal activity that is possible in other privacy and anonymity protocols

Enabling the use of popular assets on the platform such as USDC

Balance between privacy and compliance with AML regulation and rules

Initial Project Support Stage

Mooney OG is the earliest and most important stage of support for the project, confirming the user's interest in the project and willingness to contribute to the growth. Mooney OG is the only opportunity to join the first testing of Mooney Network. Every user's support is important and irreplaceable.
